Sunday, 22 September 2019

Throw away some wrong thoughts

Blessings come not because after I've done this or done that.or I must do this or do that before good things happen.

Just believe, God will give u freely,not because of your efforts alone.

Friday, 20 September 2019


This few days God remind me about tithing. Tithing is about faith. When I don't tithe,I don't put my faith in God. I do not consider Him as the first in my life. I worry about my finance and do not want to surrender. It takes faith to tithe because it's the first thing u have to do when u receive something. When we do it after we have paid everything, it's not faith. When we aren't sure whether we have enough,it takes faith to tithe. When we tithe, we are under God's protection. We belong to Him.

Tuesday, 10 September 2019


Nowadays I'm thinking what is the most important thing in life.
We should take care of the important things instead of urgent things. eliminating less important things from life.whether it's stuff or people.