Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good

Blogging never comes to my mind; I wouldn’t know what to say. Until I took the first step, then I realized wow, I didn’t know that I have so much to say. I actually enjoy it. It is not as easy as I first thought it would be, partly due to my perfectionist character. I want a good looking design. I want this colour. I want that font. I want a background that matches my theme. I want a good presentation, and I want … …etc
Thanks to Google, I managed to find out how to work on those. And each time, I figured out new features which I can add on later. I added new pages. I reread and check my work a few times before hitting “Publish”. (Trying to be perfect again, huh?)
 “You don’t have to be good at everything.” Still, I get slightly upset if I saw a grammatical mistake or anything that looks unprofessional in my blog posts, even though no one is reading it. I tempted to repost but no, I have to accept my flaws. Making mistakes is a part of learning.
I’ve read enough to figure out that perfectionism is a reflection of inferiority complex. What thoughts came out when I see those imperfections? I could’ve done better. Deep down inside, it actually means I’m not good enough. People will notice my grammar mistakes. They’ll notice that I’m not meticulous.
The truth is, people don’t judge as much as I think. Now I’m opened. I’ll be glad if you could point out my mistakes so that I could learn.
I love my own work, and I admire them, whether it’s a piece of art or writing, just as how God views His own creation. Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good.  My work is good, not because it is perfect, but because it was mine, the effort I put in it makes it good in my eyes.
 “Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.”- Secrets of Adulthood, Gretchen Rubin

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